Whitetail habitat plans
Whitetail habitat plans
If you are looking to buy or lease or new deer property, it pays to have somebody with experience evaluate the parcel before you pull the trigger. The land may hold some great deer, but if you cant hunt it undetected, the quality of each hunt gets less and less. Think about all of the places hunting is not allowed, and know the reason is those deer do not feel pressure from humans. The deer have the humans patterned, and grow old with very low stress levels. You want your deer property to hunt like that.
Whitetail habitat plans
Some of the most important parts of your deer property evaluation include access points (the more the better), property and area topography (all things equal topography dictates deer bedding), timber age, edge, contiguous cover, local agriculture and neighboring pressures and influences. All of these factors determine how and when the deer property is used by the local herd, and its important to understand and plan for. Our Whitetail habitat plans are geared to help you be a part of the deers day, as its very difficult to get deer to do what they don’t want to. Stubborn lot.
Why would we offer free Whitetail habitat plans? Believe it or not 15% of our customers have purchased 2 or more Whitetail habitat plans. Our free plan helps our future customers realize there is value in a full deer property evaluation. Years of experience can help you avoid learning about your land the hard way.
Whitetail habitat plans revolve around 3 important questions
3 Question Quiz…
Do you Know Where they Bed?
If we know where they bed, we can plan bed/feed stand strategies and rut lines of travel. Online tools can identify bedding and include topography based LIDAR mapping, 20 year timber harvest maps, and edge feature lines. All habitat planning revolves around where they deer will bed.
Do you Know Where they Feed?

When we know where they feed we can organize access and stand placement to avoid these areas in the dark. Area agriculture, timber harvest history and mast producing areas are factored into every deer plan. A successful bed/feed strategy means knowing where they feed at night.
Do my Plans and the Property Align?
Your parcel is only a small part of the deers day. The best plans improve how a property fits into a deers day. Appropriate habitat projects build upon activity we can access and hunt. We can help you understand how your parcel fits the neighborhood. We can help you move forward with changes that makes sense.
Plans start at $99
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Whitetail habitat plans
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