Pounds per acre Brassica?

Pounds per acre Brassica?


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are one of the few plantings that I’d rather spread too thin than too thick. I’ll routinely plant corn, soybeans, clover, alfalfa and cereal rye at 125% to as much as 150% of the recommended planting rates. Doing so helps tilt the odds against less than perfect germination rates and can somewhat offset deer browse damage, in the case of beans and corn.

Pounds per acre Brassica?
“The ‘Green to Green’ video tip had all my deer shift from my hard to hunt soybean field to a tiny kill plot. The number of deer I had in bow range was hard to believe.”
Tony Artis, Green Bay Wisconsin

Pounds per acre Brassica?

With brassicas, I do my best not to exceed the suggested rate. When exceeded, the result is too often significantly stunted growth. So much so that I’d much rather spread at 75% of the suggested rate than 125%.