Prevailing winds, thermal currents and the view afforded by changes in elevation can dictate where the local deer herd spends its time. Your neighborhood offers very little visible topography. Moving about the property is easier in flatter areas, and influencing where deer bed requires less work. Know that any flat humps of dry land for deer that have some form of side and back cover will may be attractive for deer in your area. Inspect these spots as you find them for hair in possible beds etc.
Slight Topography Creates Thermals Deer use to Smell Danger and Breeding Opportunities
Thermals sink in the evening and deer know how to scent check feed areas before they enter. Be sure to investigate low spots on field edges that can concentrate sinking thermals as the sun sets, allowing mature bucks to scent check feed sources and estrous does without ever entering the field. Avoid setting up in this cone of scent filled sinking thermals. If these bucks have an opportunity to use these thermals they rarely enter the open food source until well after legal shooting light. Find these spots and design around the thermals for success, but be careful as the bucks know how thermals work and how to use them.
Topography is only one consideration we analyze when creating a property plan. Lacking topography, deer often seek out ‘edge’ features to satisfy their demand for back and side cover with a downwind view. Your parcels flatter profile would have us spending more time with mapping tools that identify 20 year timber harvest history of the area, lines of contiguous cover and local row crop influences. Focus may be the creation of edge for bedding that works for both early season bed to feed options and lines of downwind travel when bucks are searching for estrous does.
Property designs in flatter areas are generally more flexible than areas with a lot of elevation because we can move through more of the property without bumping deer.
If you need any help developing a plan for your property, reach out to Shawn to find out what option may best fit your parcel.