Free ‘Scent Crusher Go’ for Referrals!
We wanted to thank you for trusting us at with your property. As you work through your plan remember we are here to support you. If you have questions please email me and we can help you address them.
Secondly ,I am asking for a favor to help us spread the word about our service. We try not to spend money on advertising. If we have to spend money to advertise our service the price of our plans goes up and we would rather keep the costs down so clients have more money to spend on improving your property. If you know anyone please send them our way. Send me an email with the name of the individual and send them to our website you can also give them 10OFF which will give them 10% of their plan.
For every customer you send us that purchases a plan between now and August 1, 2017 you will receive a Free Scent Crusher Go unit!

We are also looking to add a reference page to our web site. If you are willing to write us a testimonial about our service, how your plan as improved your hunting property, photos of your improvements or wildlife photos from your property that we can share that will also get you an entry in the in the drawing. A few sentences with a few pictures will get you in the drawing.
If you have any suggestions on how we can improve our service please let us know.
Thanks for your help and have a great season
Joe Bartylla