Creating bedding for does and bucks
Creating bedding for does and bucks
Creating segregation of family groups is as important for them as it is for bucks. There are personality types in does as much as in bucks, but I have a hard time believing many enjoy being bullied by the more dominant family group. All else being equal, if a family group must be subordinate on your ground, but can live a social stress free life on the other side of the fence, they’ll likely go to the other side of the fence. Now, you can discourage that by offering better food, water, cover and less pressure than the neighbors, but even that will only go so far.

Creating bedding for does and bucks
To produce and hold the max number of does, divide your property up and offer food, water and bedding in each section. It’s impossible to say how many section you should create on your 60, as I know nothing about it and how it lays will have a determining impact. That said, I couldn’t see doing more than 4, max on a 60, and 2-3 is more likely, depending on how it lays.
Creating bedding for does and bucks
That said, when doing any of this, always remember that you want to effectively hunt it, as well. Make these changes in a way that enhances that, not hurt hunting. That may sound silly, but it’s real easy to improve a
property for deer, while making it harder to hunt. Just ask how any of these changes will impact hunt before making them and do your best to make them in a way to promote low impact/high reward stand site. That alone will get you further than most that slap out food plots (not talking guys here. but the general hunting public).