Best No-till food plot article
Best No-till food plot article

The most inaccurate misconception when it comes to food plots is that they’re too expensive for the average hunter to plant and maintain. In reality, food plots don’t have to cost an arm and a leg. In fact, on the four acres of food plot on which I arrowed this buck, name-brand seed was used, but it still was put in for under $200. As a cherry on top, the method used to install this plot offers benefits to the soil, and the planting requires nothing more than a backpack sprayer and hand seeder. Here’s how to pull off food plots on the cheap.
Before trying to explain the steps involved in implementing a budget food plot, we must understand seed-to-soil contact. At the most basic level, if seeds don’t come into direct contact with the soil, the germination rate suffers. Food plotters will benefit greatly from understanding the potential problem of poor contact and working to avoid it.