2025 Central Minnesota Deer Forecast

The mild winter of 2024 and ample spring/summer rains meant lots of fawns and big jumps for local bucks.  Local taxidermists took in some of the biggest bucks on record.  If your season was nothing to brag about, ask yourself these 4 questions:

Glyphosate for Food Plots
From Simple Food Plot Questions to Contracted Property Improvements Marties is the Place

1 – Do you know where the deer on your cameras are bedding?

2 – Do you know where the local destination (nighttime) feed is located, and how it changes from month to month?

3 – Do you have a complete picture of how and when your neighbors are hunting their land?

4 – Do you have a plan rooted in this knowledge?

If you don’t answer yes to all 4 of these questions, your 2025 season goals should include changing those ‘no’ replies to ‘yes’.

Best winter food plot for deer
If they know you are hunting, they move at night or go somewhere else.

When you have a solid idea of where they bed and feed, it becomes much easier to understand why the sign on the ground is there, and how to best hunt it.  Knowing where they bed and feed lets us hunt these deer without spooking them.  It’s a simple formula for success.

Deer plans
Those heavy trails connect feed to bedding. Knowing where they sleep and feed lets us hunt that sign without blowing the areas deer out.

Marties Deer Division can help.  Stop in to our Elk River store when Brooks is around or purchase a Skeleton Plan today.  But do something.  2025 could be your best year ever.