Year round food plots for deer
Year round food plots for deer
Year round food plots for deer are necessary to hold a local deer herd. Year round food plots for deer insure your deer are fed right and do not wander off to be killed by the neighbors. While there is no simple year round food plots for deer, there are some shortcuts we can take to help insure our deer stick to home and, are dropping twins, and exhibit their maximum genetic potential. Lets take a closer look at the subject year round food plots for deer.
Year round food plots for deer realize peak palatability

Year round food plots for deer mean that we have something the deer want all year long. If your plots only work for a 2 month window, where do you think the deer spend the rest of the year? Sure as hell aint sitting on your piece waiting for the corn to dry, or the clover to sprout. they are eating somewhere else, and that means you have no control. Unless you know your local herd is off site during the dark hours only, there is a good chance somebody else is going to kill them. Not good. If we gear our year round food plots for deer properly, they will keep our herd home 90% of the time to insure their safety. We plan our year round food plots for deer with warm and cool season annual and perennials. Clover and chicory are great from green until the first hard freeze. Corn works from November until it is gone, and soybeans rock all summer, taper when the leaves yellow, and heat up again when the snow flies and ground food sources such as acorns and turnips become more work than reward. We have to plan for the worst and let the weather come, but when we succeed our does drop twins and our bucks have racks 20-40% bigger than their twin brothers down the road. deer live a rough life, and optimal nutrition is only possible inside a fence somewhere. So how can we do the best job possible in regards to year round food plots for deer?
Year round food plots for deer are not for farmers
One way to boost the year round food plots for deer is to realize that we are not farming. Take a field of soybeans as an example. The deer will hammer the beans from July through September and then leave them alone until the beans dry and come back in November or December until they are gone. We have a big hole in our year round food plots for deer program in the months of March April and May, and then again in October when we want to hunt them, so what do we do? We run 2 or 3 crops in the same piece at the same time. When the soybean leaves start to yellow we throw some a brassica/cereal grain mix into our beans fields. The brassica is good from September through January, and the cereal wheat, rye or oats rock the same fall/ winter frame and then again in March April and May. The same field is attractive to our deer herd for 365 days per year if the rains come on schedule, and we make a 3 acre field feed like a 15 acre field. Hoy shit Bat Man – that is efficient.
Year round food plots for deer make sense
When you think about it, year round food plots for deer for deer are really a no brainer. If you add some clover or chicory to half of the plots you can start to rotate half of your acreage (no matter how small), and have 2 different types of food in each plot all year long as well.
One bug bene we did not discuss is the fact that your doe herds will not wander and compete with each other during key times of the year. When you can keep multiple doe groups content on your land, you keep more deer overall, and that means more bucks need to spend more time on you place each fall to check all of those doe groups.
Think of your land as a mini planet in a galaxy of other planets,because that is what the deer do. Make your planet the best one to stay on year round, and your deer will never (well maybe not never), but seldom go on vacation to be shot elsewhere. Year round food plots for deer are a big key in holding a herd on your property year round.