Jay Gregorys Hunting Property Plans

Jay Gregorys Hunting Property Plans

Jay Gregorys Property Hunting Property Plans are a product of decades of experiences, both good and bad in private land management.  Many will dismiss Jay’s success as a product of access to untouchable whitetail properties, and they are right.  What they may be missing is the fact that unless you have access to areas with a lot of mature deer, its very difficult to learn what makes them tick.

Jay Gregorys Property Hunting Property Plans
The real value of an habitat planner is experience. Multiples properties and decades of experience separate the good from the mediocre.






Jay has a ton of Jay has Jay has experience managing hunting properties in Missouri, Iowa and Kansas.  He has been hunting these areas for over 30 years and knows how to recognize where deer prefer to bed, what their preferred food plots are, and how to set up on mature bucks when they are busy with the rut.  His experience is not limited to these 3 states, but this triangle of properties is where he cut his teeth and gained experience chasing mature whitetail bucks.

Jay Gregorys Hunting Property Plans

If you own a parcel of whitetail land and think the experience that team members like Jay can bring to your 40 or 400 acres, sign up for one of Jay Gregorys Hunting Property Plans and get started.