Deer Property Timber Harvest
Deer Property Timber Harvest
If you own land for hunting, don’t overlook the value of a deer property timber harvest. Diverse chunks of timber set into different succession age classes means that you always have some of the best bedding in the neighborhood. You will hold more deer.
Deer Property Timber Harvest
The key to success in a deer property timber harvest is you must schedule the improvements in a huntabale fashion. You have to be able to get past those prime bedding areas without spooking the deer, and you have to make sure that bed to feed and rut timed stands are in areas you can access hunt and exit with different winds. Cutting your timber will bring the deer for a number of years, but one constant will remain – if you can’t hunt the improvements without spooking the deer, your hunting will suffer.
Deer Property Timber Harvest
If you have questions about planning a deer property timber harvest give us a shout. We can help you figure out what your timber is worth, and plan the cuts to balance income with deer hunting. We have worked with a number of foresters all across the United States and put tens of thousands of dollars into our customers pockets along the way.
An aggressive deer property timber harvest is often the number one tool we use to transform a property that lacks the young timber that deer crave for security and food. Its an option we always explore when laying out a customers property plan