Aerial Property Plan-Less Than 50 Acres


Aerial Photos, Topographic Maps, and Lidar Images are just some of the online tools we use when creating your online plan. Hunter access, existing bedding locations, neighboring food sources and Timber Classes become part of how you hunt your parcel.  All of this information can be documented online with your help, in our initial 45-minute video conference.  Today’s online mapping tools allow us to see your property without charging the $2,000 most planners collect for an onsite visit. Our Aerial Plan may be the tool you need to turn your property into the kind of hunting land you’ve always dreamed about.

The best food plots for deer are part of a comprehensive property plan.  They help move the deer in a manner we can hunt without detection, and our 3 questions quiz will let you know if you have picked a good spot for the plot.  (Take the quiz by clicking the blue link, and sign on for a free 15 minute phone consult) – 3 QUESTION QUIZ LINK.